Product Description
The Working Guide to Traditional Small-Boat Sails by David L. Nichols
A ‘How to’ practical guide by David L. Nichols.
The Golden Age of Sail is long past, sadly, and much of its lore is nearly extinct. Sailing boats now almost uniformly use the Bermudan sloop rig – a triangular jib and a triangular mainsail. But that rig evolved mainly to meet esoteric yacht racing measurement rules. It is not necessarily the most efficient or effective rig. This book lets sailors rediscover the practical advantages and the aesthetic delights of such configurations as the sprit rig, the gaff rig, the lugsail, and the gunter rig. It also includes valuable information on marlinspike work like rope-whipping and eye-splicing; and tips on converting your modern sailing boat to a traditional rig.
Make your modern sailing boat look (and work) like a salty classic.
David L Nichols has been building boats and making sails for approximately twenty years. When he isn't designing sails or building boats you will find him in the boats he has designed and built. He feels that the only way to truly understand boats and sails is to use them. A graduate of the University of Texas, he has written for many boating magazines as well as writing and producing boat building videos.