Product Description
Deck rigging for holding items on kayak decks.
The layout will vary slightly from one kayak to another, but typically there will be one or more criss-crosses of shock cord near the cockpit to hold a map or other small items within reach of the paddler. You may also wish to install a safety line around the perimeter of the deck to make it easier to re-enter the boat from the water.
Shock cord and perimeter line are held onto the deck with webbing loops and fasteners. These are soft and low-profile so they won't hurt or snag on your clothing during re-entry.
Hold-down lines for an average kayak require 7 metres of shock cord held down with 12 loops. A perimeter line can share some loops with the hold-down line. Most of our kayak kits include shock cord and loops for making equipment holders, but not perimeter lines.
Webbing for loops
Webbing for attaching perimeter line and shock cord equipment holders. Sufficient to make 4 loops.
The screw-on option is for kayaks with sheer clamps and includes the brass screws and finish washers needed to install the webbing loops. The bolt-on option is for kayaks without sheer clamps and includes the stainless steel bolts, nuts and finish washers needed for installation.
Shock cord
6 mm black shock cord for making equipment holders, sold by the metre.
Perimeter line
Rope for a deck safety line, perimeter line or painter, sold by the metre.